890.00 ден


Level 3
Materiaal Metal
Mission Disassemble and assemble puzzle
Players 1
Size Box 7,5×11,7×4,5cm
ЧЕСТИТКИ! За Вашата нарачка ви следува БЕСПЛАТНА ДОСТАВА

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Disassemble and assemble puzzle or in other words: Separate the 2 parts:

Introducing a puzzle masterpiece by Akio Yamamoto.Similar in style to the key chain version, “Sweet,” we have raised the bar with this one, both in difficulty and design. It is vital to line up the ridges and grooves of the two pieces, both in taking them apart and in putting them back together. Don’t try to rush this one—take your time and enjoy the “Vita Dolce!”

© 2002, 2018 Hanayama Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Yamamoto