Do You Look Like Your Dog?

1,190.00 ден

  • Број на играчи: 2-4
  • Времетраење:
  • Вoзраст: 7+
  • Издавач: Briarpatch
ДОБИЈ БЕСПЛАТНА ДОСТАВА! Дополни ја кошничката, ти недостасуваат само уште 2,000.00 ден.

На залиха

ШИФРА: DI1884 Категории: , , Ознака:

In this outrageous game, players match dogs to owners and owners to dogs, and try to earn bones from other players, who vote on the best matches. Players have 30 seconds to state their case and bury their bones. And just when you think you are home free, you may find your opponent sneaking into your doghouse, and referring to you as a Shih Tzu! In the end, everyone’s bark is worse than their bite!