990.00 ден

  • Возраст: 8+
  • Броj на играчи: 1
  • Предизвици: 80
  • Издавач: Smart Games
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Можеш ли да составите коцка од 7 обоени парчиња?

Играњето на оваа игра ги стимулира следните когнитивни способности:

  1. концентрација
  2. просторен увид
  3. решавање на проблеми

Put your spatial insight, logic and deduction skills to work as you create cubes to solve each challenge! Cube Puzzler GO’s case doubles as an attractive tray to play the game. Open the transparent cube to transform it from a storage case into a game board. The game includes a challenge booklet with 80 real 3D-challenges and solutions.

What the experts say
Playing Cube Puzzler GO stimulates the following cognitive skills:
Planning, Problem Solving, Spatial Insight